
d&a is committed to prevent the unthinkable and stand on the side of a solution by supporting NGOs deploying valuable action in favour of peace, diversity and ecology. Learn more about Heifer International.

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Our objective is to improve the quality of life of 1,000 small-scale cacao farmers in Honduras by enabling them to reach self-sufficiency.



Small-scale cacao farmers face a number of challenges that increase their economic vulnerability. Low-resistance varieties and poor crop management due to inadequate technology yield poor profits. To offset these challenges, the project works with cacao producers to strengthen the sector’s competitiveness at regional and national levels, promoting social innovation and technology at scale.


armers – one in sixth of Honduras’ cacao producers – and 8 cooperatives involved in re-establishing a cacao value chain that was almost destroyed by Hurricane Mitch in 1998 with the help of Heifer Honduras.


members in 166 co-ops and farmer associations supported in only 4 years.

0 %

of annual profits from the cooperative and farmer associations go into social responsibility programs. Heifer-supported enterprises have backed a variety of local initiatives, including student scholarships, school feeding programs and community events.

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