our founders

Alexander Mehdi Bennouna & Martin Riemer make a diverse duo, combining mixed origins and different cultures transcending boundaries. Both from Switzerland, they totalize 50 years of Swiss watch making expertise and 120 years of human experience.
d&a - Alex and Martin

our story

Alex and Martin mobilized their passion since 2020 to create d&a, the swisstainable watch. Produced with bio sourced and recycled material, d&a watches marry engaged design artwork with high quality swiss watchmaking.


d&a watches stand the test of time to challenge the status quo. They inspire positive change with creative and socially engaged designs and support the heroic dedication of our NGO partners for peace, diversity and ecology.

d&a - Our mission

our commitment

we do what we say and we say what we do. We are not just marketing jargon and attitudes. We act in accordance with our values and support NGOs and changemakers.

d& - Our commitment
Geneva jet deau

our location

our team and our inspiration originate from different places across the globe. But our adventure started in Geneva, where our headquarter is located.

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